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Alona setulosa
Alona setulosa
Alona setulosa Alona setulosa
Phylum Arthropoda
Subphylum Crustacea
Class Branchiopoda
Suborder Cladocera
Family Chydoridae
Distinguishing Characteristics
  • Postabdominal claw with one basal spine; basal spine about 1/4 length of postabdominal claw
  • Anal groove of postabdomen edged by groups of spinules
  • Six to eight marginal denticles
  • Distalmost setae of the lateral fascicles are the longest and stoutest in the group
  • Labrum ovoid in shape
  • Three major head pores with the channel between the pores broken in several places
  • Shell color transparent to weak yellow
Additional Pictures
Alona setulosa   Alona setulosa    

(1) MEGARD, R.O. 1967. Three new species of Alona (Cladocera, Chydoridae) from the United States. Int. Revue. ges. Hydrobiol. 52: 37-50.

(2) SINEV, A.Y. 2009. Notes on morphology and taxonomic status of some North American species of the genus Alona Baird, 1843 (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Chydoridae). Fundam. Appl. Limnol., Arch. Hydrobiol. 175: 59-77.