Sharp fornices extend laterally in both helmeted and non-helmeted individuals
Ephippium not extending up to the head shield; ephippia more elongate than for most Daphnia species
Ventral margin of the carapace has long, widely-spaced spines
Characteristics modified from Petrusek et al. (2005)
Geographic Distribution
Daphnia lumholtzi is native to Africa, Australia and Asia. It is a recent invasive species in North America; D. lumholtzi was first detected in a Texas reservoir in 1990. It is now found in the Great Lakes region as well as the Southwest USA and its distribution is expanding.
Reported Habitats
D. lumholtzi inhabit large lakes as well as small temporary pools.
Sharp helmets and tailspines are defenses induced by fish kairomones
Literature Cited
PETRUSEK, A., BASTIANSEN, F., SCHWENK, K. (2005): European Daphnia Species (EDS) - Taxonomic and genetic keys. [Build 2006-01-12 beta]. CD-ROM, distributed by the authors.