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Oxyurella brevicaudis
Oxyurella brevicaudis
Oxyurella brevicaudis
Phylum Arthropoda
Subphylum Crustacea
Class Branchiopoda
Suborder Cladocera
Family Chydoridae
Distinguishing Characteristics
  • Postabdomenal claw with one long basal spine; basal spine half the length of the postabdomenal claw or longer
  • 10-14 marginal denticles which are markedly longer distally , with the next to last denticle being the largest
  • Typically 7 lateral fasicles in a row angled towards dorsal margin so that the distalmost fasicles extend beyond the margin
  • Anal groove unarmed
  • Basal spine with 6-11 fine spinules
  • Antennal setae formula 0-0-3 / 1-1-3
  • Bright brown to yellow in color
Taxonomic Notes
Additional Pictures
  Oxyurella brevicaudis    

(1) MICHAEL, R.G., and D.G. Frey. 1983. Assumed Amphi-Atlantic distribution of Oxyurella tenuicaudis (Cladocera, Chydoridae) denied by a new species from North America. Hydrobiologia. 106: 3-35.