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Daphnia ambigua
Daphnia ambigua
Daphnia ambigua
Daphnia ambigua
Phylum Arthropoda
Subphylum Crustacea
Class Branchiopoda
Suborder Cladocera
Family Daphniidae
Distinguishing Characteristics
  • Proximal, middle, and distal pecten of postabdominal claw all the same size.
  • Ocellus present.
  • Swimming hair at the base of the second segment of the three-segmented ramus extends beyond tip of ramus.
  • Swimming hairs of antennae do not extend beyond posterior margins of valves.
  • Small head and valves, generally about 1 mm in length.
  • Head often with small anterior point during summer.
  • Daphnia ambigua is the smallest Daphnia species, rarely exceeding 1 mm in body length. Its small size makes it especially vulnerable to predation by Chaoborus larvae. In response to Chaoborus kairomones, D. ambigua often forms a sharp pointed helmet on the central axis of the head, typically seen in mid to late summer. Curiously, D. ambigua is often found in cool deep water in the lower thermocline, suggesting a tolerance to cold temperatures, but on the other hand it is one of the most common Daphnia species found in tropical and sub tropical regions.
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Daphnia ambigua
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