gametophytic algae are bushy, 20 (5-30) cm tall, dark red, gelatinous,
and with several pale axes arising
from a gelatinous perenniating encrusting base. Main axes naked below, above bearing many
subopposite lateral branches that are irregularly arranged, wide spreading,
and with branchlets. Medulla uniaxial
and surrounded by longitudinal filaments and whorls of radial filaments
forming a compact cortex. Delicate,
colorless hairs abundant. algae are
monoecious. Tetrasporophytes (“Cruoriopsis
ensisae”) are crustose, small, light red, smooth orbicular discs, 1-2
mm in diam., and with a monostromatic basal layer. Tetrasporangia are embedded, irregularly
zonate or cruciate, and scattered.
can be common, uncommon, or sporadic annuals occurring
during the spring-summer. Found on scoured rocks or shells, in moderately
high energy tide pools to 4 m.
T. 1970. Life history of Gloiosiphonia
capillaris (Hudson) Carmichael. Phycologia 9: 55-59.
T. and M. Mclachlan. 1971. Further observations on Gloiosiphonia capillaris (Hudson) Carmichael in culture.
Phycologia 19: 215-219.
Guiry, M.D. and G.M. Guiry
2014. AlgaeBase.
World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 2 May 2014.
Taylor, W.
R. 1957. Marine Algae of the
Northeastern Coast of North America. Revised edition. Univ. Michigan Press.,
Ann Arbor, ix + 509 pp.