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Types of Movies found in this key |
1) Live videos of organisms: Videos were taken of organisms freshly collected in the field. The links to videos on this page are also found near the bottom of the species page for that organism.
2) Virtual Focus: Videos capturing the microscopic anatomy of an individual organism. These interactive videos allow you to discern key features by adjusting the depth of focus on a particular characteristic of the organism.
3) Sampling methods: Videos, covering a range of methods for collecting plankton. These videos demonstrate sampling techniques and include underwater views of how standard sampling devices operate in situ.
4) Dissection demonstration: To assist with dissection of calanoid and cyclopoid copepods, we have included video clips of procedures as seen through a dissecting microscope. |
Organisms Videos: Alphabetical |
- *New* Aglaodiaptomus -- A. leptopus mating
- *New* Alewife -- Alosa pseudoharengus feeding on Daphnia
- Asplanchna -- Witness the Miracle of Life
- *New* Asplanchna -- Asplanchna feeding on Synchaeta
- Bosmina -- B. longirostris swimming
- Bosmina -- B. longirostris feeding
- Calanoid -- Calanoid swimming
- Calanoid -- Calanoid feeding
- Ceriodaphnia -- Ceriodaphnia swimming with cameo appearance by Bosmina
- Chaoborus -- C. punctipennis eats C. dubia
- Chaoborus -- C. americanus eats D. rosea
- *New* Conochilus -- Many C. hippocrepis colonies
- Conochilus -- Movement of individual Conochilus within a colony
- Chydorus -- Chydorus swimming
- Chydorus -- Chydorus feeding
- Cyclopoid -- Cyclopoid feeding
- *New* Daphnia -- Daphnia feeding on Nannochloropsis
- *New* Daphnia -- Daphnia heartbeat
- Daphnia -- 3 Daphnia magna swimming
- Daphnia -- Daphnia magna molting
- Daphnia -- Daphnia magna mating
- *New* Daphnia -- Daphnia mendotae rejects cyanobacteria
- Daphnia -- Daphnia parvula collects rotifer
- Daphnia -- Daphnia lumholtzi swimming and feeding
- Bosmina -- Sensory bristle of B. longirostris
- Bosmina -- Pecten of B. longirostris
- Calanoid -- Female 5th leg
- Ceriodaphnia -- Pecten of C. dubia
- Ceriodaphnia -- Pecten of C. reticulata
- Ceriodaphnia -- Mandible of C. reticulata
- Conochilus -- Stalkless Conochilus (320x)
- Conochilus -- Stalkless Conochilus (640x)
- Daphnia -- Close up of head shield groove of D. magna
- Daphnia -- Fine pecten of Daphnia dubia
- Daphnia -- Intermediate size pecten of Daphnia parvula
- Daphnia -- Intermediate size pecten of Daphnia retrocurva
- Daphnia -- Fine pecten of Daphnia rosea
- Eubosmina -- Dorsal notches on mucro of E. hagmanni
- Eubosmina -- Proximal pecten of E. hagmanni
- Eubosmina -- Sensory bristle of E. longispina at tip of rostrum (320x)
- Eubosmina -- Sensory bristle of E. longispina (640x)
- Eubosmina -- Ventral notches on mucro of E. longispina
- Eubosmina -- Proximal pecten of E. longispina
- Ectocyclops -- Antennae with <11 segments of E. phaleratus
- Ectocyclops -- Hairy caudal ramus of E. phaleratus
- Keratella -- Illustrates cup shape of the rotifer K. earlinae
- Keratella -- Illustrates cup shape of the rotifer Keratella
- Mesocyclops -- Antennae with >17 segments of M. edax
- Mesocyclops -- Female 5th leg of M. edax (400x)
- Mesocyclops -- Female 5th leg of M. edax (640x)
- Mesocyclops -- Angled view of hyaline of M. edax (400x)
- Mesocyclops -- Angled view of hyaline of M. edax (640x)
- Mesocyclops -- Hairy caudal ramus of M. edax
- Mesocyclops -- Lateral setae at middle of rami of M. edax
- Skistodiaptomus -- 5th leg of male S. pygmeus