Home / Chlorophyceae / Colonies / Flagellated / Pandorina / Images

Pandorina (Chlorophyceae)


Pandorina sp. from a lake in New Hampshire USE



Pandorina sp. from Durham, NH USA



Pandorina sp. from Durham, NH USA
Same as above at different focal plane



Pandorina sp. from Durham, NH USA
Young colony



Pandorina sp.
Photograph from the Botany Department, University of Wisconsin at Madison, posted online.



Pandorina sp.
Modified from photo by Ann St. Amand (PhycoTech) posted online



Pandorina sp. from Goose Pond, Shapleigh ME USA  25 Oct 2014 
Base if flagella are present but difficult to see in the photograph



Pandorina sp. from Goose Pond, Shapleigh ME USA  25 Oct 2014 
Base if flagella are present but difficult to see in the photograph



Pandorina charkowiensis colony surrounded by colorless flagellates
Photograph by ©Michael Plewka 2011 at Plingfactory posted online



Pandorina morum  Mueller
Modified from sketch by Pankow et al. (1991) from the collection of Manfred Bölter, University of Kiel, DE

Thérézien, Y. & A. Couté  1977.  Algues d’eau douce des Îles Kerguelen et Crozet. Comite Nation Franc Rech Antarct 43: 1-91


Home / Chlorophyceae / Colonies / Flagellated / Pandorina / Images