
Home / Cryptomonads / Photosynthetic / Chroomonas / Images

Chroomonas (Cryptophyceae)


Modified from image (0879L) at National Institute of Environmental Science, Japan



Modified from image (0884L) at National Institute of Environmental Science, Japan



Chroomonas (=Rhodomonas) lacustris Pascher and Ruittner 1937
Modified from sketch by Broady  (1979) from the collection of Manfred Bölter, University of Kiel, DE

Seaburg, K.G., B.C. Parker, G.W. Prescott & L.A. Whitford  1979.  The algae of Southern Victoria land, Antarctica. Bibl Lichenol, Vol 46, J Cramer, Vaduz

Home / Cryptomonads / Photosynthetic / Chroomonas / Images