unicells with extended arms.
Freshwater species have an elongate anterior arm and two or three
somewhat shorter posterior arms (‘horns’).
Marine species vary from nearly linear with one anterior and one
posterior arm, to anchor-shaped with two anterior and one posterior arm.
Cells of some species are armored with relatively thick
plates of cellulose, and extends out into the elongate 'horns'. A lateral
wrap-around groove (' cingulum') is evident and can be either equatorial or
displaced toward one end of the cell. A second groove ('sulcus') is perpendicular to
the cingulum lying on the cell surface.
Both flagella emerge from the junction of the cingulum and
sulcus, one projecting backward along the sulcus that pushes the cell, the
other wrapped around the cell within the cingulum enabling rotatory movement
of the cell.
Numerous discoid chloroplasts are located throughout the
cell. A large nucleus is centrally
Cell division occurs in motile cells. One daughter cell inherits the epitheca,
and regenerates a new hypotheca, and the reverse happens with the other
daughter cell. This is similar to
diatom cell regeneration, but the two daughter cells have different
morphology (as they do in monoraphe diatoms).
Ceratium cells are photosynthetic but also contain vacuoles that suggest
Aplanospores (no flagella) are common, often after blooms.
C. hirundinella has angular spores that are uninucleate, thick walled, and
packed with glycogen as a storage reserve.
As most spores they are resistant to dessication and remain viable for
years. When they germinate they form a
zoospore (flagellated) that starts as a spherical cell (similar to Gymnodinium) that develops within
hours into the typical horned cell.