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Name derivation:

Petalonia : Gr. petalon: a leaf, or like a petal

            fascia: = L. fascia: a bundle, band, or surgical bandage

common names: sea palm, mini kelp, false kelp)


Petalonia Derbès and Solier 1850; there are 10 species of which 5 have been taxonomically accepted.

Order Ectocarpales; Family Scytosiphonaceae



Clusters of small flat blades originating from a common holdfast. It is an annual that either recycles itself via parthenogenetic “gametes” or alternates with fleshy sporophytic brown crusts (e.g.”Ralfsia borneti” & “R. clavata”). Sexual reproduction is uncommon in many North Atlantic populations.


Similar genera:

Colpomenia, Scytosiphon, & Hydroclathrus


Often found in mid-low littoral tide pools, growing on rocky substrata, occasionally epiphytic on larger seaweeds. A conspicuous winter-spring annual in the North Atlantic, with residual populations at other times of the year.

Widespread marine habitats from Arctic to Florida, Brazil, eastern Atlantic, Indo-Pacific, Australia and Antarctica (Dawes and Mathieson 2008).



Dawes, C.J. and A.C. Mathieson 2008. Seaweeds of Florida. University Press of Florida (592 pp).

Derbès, A.A., and A.J.J.J. Solier 1850. Sur les organes reproducteurs des algues. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique, Troisième série 14: 261-282, pls 32-37.

Guiry, M.D., and G.M. Guiry 2013. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. http://www.algaebase.org; searched on 16 January 2013.

Taylor, W. R. 1957. Marine Algae of the Northeastern Coast of North America. Revised edition. Univ. Michigan Press., Ann Arbor, ix + 509 pp.