Home / Diatoms / Pennate / Unicells / Biraphes / Asymmetric / Amphora / Images

Amphora (Bacillariophyceae)


Amphora sp.
Photograph by Mark Webber posted online



Amphora punctata
Photograph posted online at California Academy of Sciences, Diatom Collection



Amphora ovalis
Photograph by D. Munarello posted online, 2008



Amphora ovalis
Photograph posted online



Amphora ocellata in mucilage
Photograph posted online



Amphora ovalis (Kuetz.) Kuetzing 1844
Modified from sketch by Ettl & Gaertner (1995) from the collection of Manfred Bölter, University of Kiel, DE

Ettl, H. & G. Gärtner  1995.  Syllabus der Boden-, Luft- und Flechtenalgen. Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart


Home / Diatoms / Pennate / Unicells / Biraphes / Asymmetric / Amphora / Images