Home / Chrysophyceae / Unicells / Amoeboid / Lagynion / Images

Lagynion (Chrysophyceae)

Two vases sitting on a Bulbochaete trichome
Modified image from Jason Oyadomari, Michigan Technical University


Several vases sitting on a Melosira trichome
Modified image from Jason Oyadomari, Michigan Technical University


Lagynion sp.
Modified from image by ‘Psi Wavefuntion’ self-described as an “aspiring protistologist with an obsession with anything living, from microbe to language and culture”, and a “female research assistant and student located at Van couver, BC Canada.  Image posted at skepticwonder.

Lagynion delicatulum sessile loricate stage with a single rhizopodium from Lake Namunamu, New Zealand. Electron micrograph from O'Kelly, C., and D. Wujek 2010. Cell structure and asexual reproduction in Lagynion delicatulun (Stylococcaceae, Chrysophyceae). European J. Phycol. 36:51-59.


Lagynion delicatulum zoospore (16,18,41) and "settling" amoeboid cell (43) from O'Kelly, C., and D. Wujek 2010. Cell structure and asexual reproduction in Lagynion delicatulun (Stylococcaceae, Chrysophyceae). European J. Phycol. 36:51-59.


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