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The euglenoids (or euglenids) include a diversity of nutrition types from fully autotrophic to auxotrophic (requiring specific metabolites), to colorless - either osmotrophic (absorbing organic energy sources), or fully heterotrophic (phagotrophic - taking in particles through their cytoplasmic membrane).

PhycoKey is based primarily on morphological traits.  Since the 1980s molecular investigations have repeatedly revised evolutionary relationships among genomes, and this has led to a large increase in Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) far more advanced than just morphological and ecological defiitions.  A summary is De Mecudo and Menezes (2016).

Reproduction is apparently asexual throughout the class, as there are no published observations of reduction division (meiosis) or fusion of nuclei..

The periplast, composed of proteinaceous strips, is unique to the group:

Diagram of periplast indicating arrangement of protein strips (gray and green), microtubules (red) and endoplasmic reticulum (light brown).  Modified by Tree of Life from Leander et al. (2007) and posted online.

The strips of protein can be separated by applying pressure (Leedale 1967):

Two of the strips bear ‘warts’ (thickenings on wall easily seen in intact cells).  Dark bodies are chloroplasts.




De Bicudo, C. and M. Menezes (2016).  Phylogeny and Classification of Euglenophyceae: A Brief Review.  Frontiers in Ecological Evolution 4:1-13.

Leander, B.S., H.J. Esson and S.A. Greglia  2007.  Macroevolution of complex cytoskeletal systems in euglenids.  BioEssays 29:987-1000.

Leedale, G.F. 1967. Euglenoid flagellates. Prentice-Hall Biological Science Series. (242 pp).