Home / Charophyceae / Desmids / Unicells/ Placoderm / Euastrum/ Images

Euastrum (Charophyceae)


Euastrum sp.
Modified Image from Wim van Egmond by permission of Peter Coesel,



Euastrum insigne
Photograph by Peter Coesel and Koos Meesters, 'Desmid Species (Desmidiaceae) in theNetherlands, posted online



Euastrum insigne
Photograph from Protist Server, Japan, posted online



Euastrum sp.
SEM photograph by Gontcharov  posted online



Euastrum spitsbergense (Nordst.) Krieger 1937
Modified from sketch by Ettl and Gärtner (1995) from the collection of Manfred Bölter, University of Kiel, DE

Ettl H, Gärtner G (1995) Syllabus der Boden-, Luft- und Flechtenalgen. Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart



Euastrum dubium Naegeli 1849
Modified from sketch by Nygaard (1976) from the collection of Manfred Bölter, University of Kiel, DE

Nygaard, G.  1976  Desmids from an Arctic salt lake. Botanisk Tidsskrift 71: 84-96



>Home / Charophyceae / Desmids / Unicells/ Placoderm / Euastrum / Images