Home / Chlorophyceae / Unicells / Flagellated / Pyramimonas / Images

Pyramimonas (Chlorophyceae)


Pyramimonas sp. SEM resolves scales covering cell and flagella.
Modified from an image at wikipedia



Pyramimonas parkeae
Modified from an image by Norris and Pearson posted online



Pyramimonas oltmannsii flagellum covered four types of organic scales (Zingone et al. 1995).

Zingone, A., J. Throndsen and G. Forlani  1995.  Pyramimonas oltmannsii (Prasinophyceae) reinvestigated.  Phycologia 34(3):241-249. [online]



Hexagonal viroids in Pyramimonas orientalis cell (Sandaa et al. 2001).

Sandaa, R.-A., M. Heldal, T. Castberg, R. Thyrhaug and G. Bratbak  2001.  Isolation and characterization of two viruses with large genome size infecting Chrysochromulina ericina (Prymnsiophyceae) and Pyramimonas orientalis (Prasinophyceae).  Virology 290:272-280.




Home / Chlorophyceae / Unicells / Flagellated / Pyramimonas / Images